Thursday, 19 November 2015

What does the future hold?

Well according to the History Club, this is what our future timeline may look like...

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Stone? Bronze? Iron? What to use?

Why did those people, thousands of years ago, decide to suddenly change from using one material to another? Well, the children in Year Three have been looking very closely at this exact question. Why don't you follow the link below to find out exactly what they did to find the answer to this conundrum.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

History yet to happen...

Today, History Club looked at four futuristic photopacks, and tried to decide where they would fit on a future timeline.

We also looked carefully at the photographic packs and noted down our thoughts and ideas about each photopack. Below you will find an example photopack with some of our thoughts and ideas.