Year Four

2015 - 2016

Ancient Greece (this unit was moved from Year 5 to Year 4 this year)

A class padlet of student thoughts about including the reasons why Ancient Greek city states were located in the positions they were. 

A series of research notes on why the trireme was such a powerful part of the Ancient Greek world. Facts are included around the trireme. 


This was an example of the student feedback given after the final consequences lesson of the unit on Ancient Greece.

2014 -2015

Edo Japan  

This was a description of the thoughts and feelings a student had regarding the rice game. The rice game was a game where each person in the activity takes on a different role from Japanese Edo Society. The people receive a different amount of rice based upon their position in society.

During this lesson the children looked at different artefacts and made reasoned deductions about the objects they were observing.

The children spent some time looking at different secondary sources of evidence. They then decided what this evidence actually told them about life in Edo Japan.

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