Ancient Egypt
This is a padlet with the children's thoughts about the reasons why ancient people to build/not build their cities in certain in certain locations.
Some Year Three children teaching other students about the Tudor era. The lesson included a nice combination of media use, technology, peer collaboration and drama.
This Year (2015), some classes have used the TES courtroom lessons on evaluating evidence to make decisions about famous Historical figures from the past. They have evaluated numerous witness statements on figures like Spartacus, Boudicca and Cleopatra to decide whether they were/weren't great leaders.
This lesson involved an invasion of the Celtic classroom by the invading Romans. It was quite a powerful experience for many of the children involved.
This is an example of a Chronology lesson, which uses pictures and photographs, to help the children better understand where different people/time periods come in relation to one another.
This lesson included the children taking part in a classroom exploration of an imaginary Egyptian Tomb. The tomb was created using classroom equipment and cave sounds and artefacts were added to give the exploration a more dramatic feel.
Children's work
This is an example of the children using Green Screening to complete an Egyptian weather report on the Nile's flooding/farming cycle. The children used iPads in conjunction with the Apps iMovie and Do Ink's Green Screen to create the following report.
This is a video taken of the final lesson in our unit on the Ancient Egyptians. The children had to explain their reasons for choosing a particular location to establish their first settlement in a completely new land.
This was a list of guidelines to prevent the Romans from invading your settlement. It was created by a Year Three child in 2014 using the online Presentation programme 'Powtoon'.
This was an activity which was created as an email-based home Dojo Point Prize competition. The idea was to create a presentation about the Tudors based on the linked blendspace lesson. This was an example of one of the student's final creations using the online presentation software Prezi.
This is another example of a student Prezi which involved the students completing independent research to create a Prezi on certain aspects of ancient Celtic and Roman life. The children used Blendspace, information books and other historical sources of information to locate the facts they used. They also had to write the facts in their own way so that they weren't just copying directly from a book or video.
This was an example of a Powtoon completed during the third term of 2015. It was created by a student who was part of the ICT club and was based on a small club activity to present an information story about the Spanish Armada's attempted invasion of England.
The Year 3's used explain everything to make deductions and observations about different Egyptian Artefacts
The Year 3's used explain everything to make deductions and observations about different Egyptian Artefacts
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This was a fictional letter from the Year 3 students to the Goddess Hathor after discovering the Nile River.
The Year 3 students wrote a fictional letter to the Pharaoh asking him to make sure the flooding season occurred that year so they could farm!
Year students more in-depth (independent) observations and deductions on different Egyptian artefacts after their tomb exploration lesson.
This activity was focused on the children using Atlases (alongside a map of the old Roman Empire) to find all the countries which made up the Roman Empire.
This activity involved the students using Google Tour Builder to research the geographical locations of different cities to see if they could understand reasons why Ancient people decided to settle where they did. Their findings were recorded using the online App 'Padlet'.
This was the final activity in the Ancient Egyptian unit. The students had to use the fictional world map with it's different resources to decide where the best location would be for a brand new settlement to be located. They made their choices based on resources, topography, features and other factors.
This was a newspaper article written after they had completed their Tomb Exploration lesson.
This activity was based on the children observing different Roman artefacts and making different observations and deductions on these artefacts.
Questions for Julius Caesar - who visited our school during Roman Day.
These notes were taken using a combination of this Blendspace lesson and secondary historical sources of evidence (research books). They were written to locate information on specific sections of Roman/Celtic life.
This was an example of a non-chronological report about the Romans completed using the notes we had used.
This was a Roman menu created by the children during one of the activities which the children took part in on Roman Day.
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